The 9/11  Prayer Project

October 11, 2010

We are challenged to bring peace into a troubled world.  Our humanity is weak.  It is a matter of soul searching.  In today’s busy and hectic world we forget to pause.  “SILENCE IS GOLDEN,” a popular phrase that seems to be very outdated.  Have you ever noticed during conversations how you are always trying to jump in?  Where’s the pause?  Are you even trying to connect with people?  With this new age of technology, which can be good, we are swamped with devices that have taken over our lives.  When we take a moment for interaction we are always on a time constraint.  Be sure to schedule in time to pray, converse or sit in silence.  Watch a sunset, listen to a child laugh, marvel at the majesty of creation.  BE INSPIRED and HOPE for a better tomorrow.

 Reflection:  Notice your surroundings and give thanks that you are alive to be aware of them.

The next time you talk to someone be a great listener.  Take the time to look into their eyes and show them that you are really interested. 





